Wednesday, July 2, 2014


What a great mother´s day!
Some great and not-so-great experiences this week. (but for the most part really GREAT) 
Emilse didn´t come to church :( It´s sad to think that people use the rain as an excuse. We need to teach well enough and really prepare out investigadors so they can understand and develop the will power to keep their committments no matter what.
We really prepared ourselves for divisiones this week. Because we put a lot of thought and prayer into what we were hoping to teach and also accomplish in our area, the Lord blessed us. We found people who not only want to listen, but have the disposition to do their part. We were happy to finish the week with 9 people with baptismal dates. We´re just working on helping them all progress. I feel like I was bolder in these divisions than I have been. Really correcting and teaching someone is loving them. I was direct with my comp, hna redford, I was direct with the people. If they don´t know we´re here to baptize and invite them to follow Christ, it´s not very fair for them, or for the people who are prepared and waiting for us to find them. Saves us and everyone a lot of time when we´re just bold (+loving!) from the start.
This past week we also had an Hermana´s conference. All of the sisters from campo (there are about 20 of us) traveled in a overnight bus to Buenos Aires and there we stayed with the Family Ashton (another matrimonio) who cooked us breakfast. They´re really sweet. Sister Morales and I were able to give a short talk/activity about our focus as missionaries for all the sisters. A topic that gives way for laughter, but is also serious and personal for each person. It really was a success. I was surprised how well it went and how different it was than what we had planned. Shows us that the spirit is the greatest teacher there is, and will let us know what we need to say for the Lord´s work to progress. I mentioned my first companion Hna Salas, she really helped me see what my mission could be. She was a perfect example of someone completely focused on the work. My first transfer here in argentina is actually very personal and sacred to me. I don´t share it in every ocasion. There were a lot of¨"happy tears" as grandma would say. Even president cried!  I´m excited for you all to just know everything.
Well, talking to everyone was so fun! I really liked the sharing part. Felt like I was able to get a feel for how everyone is doing. Usually we´re completely rushed for time, but this time I felt calm. Maybe it was because were were focused on the more important things. I hope everyone remembers their committments. I know that it´s not easy, but it´s worth it. Mom, maybe consider making reading charts for everyone. I forgot to tell you this, but I couldn´t believe it when Anna told me there´s a reward for every chapter in the BoM! Maybe the reward should be less material and more like "time" rewards. Friend time, TV time, get it. While it´s strict, it might´ve helped me prioritize and develop the habit of reading everyday from the start. Reading the scriptures really is the most important part of our day. Of course what really helps us is the example that you and dad give. It´s just a thought! I´m not a pro mom like you.
Well I love you all!
Hermana Cleveland

1. Hermana Edwards....she´s cousing with the edward family. Reminds me of Laurana a bit. It was fun to chat at the sisters conference this past week.
2. the bible bar?

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