Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Feliz Dia!!

Dear family,
Happy summer! I hope you´re all happy because I´m a happy missionary! We had what is called a capilla abierta (open chapel) where everyone from everywhere can come see the inside the church and stuff and there´s an organized program about Christ and what it means to me mormon. It´s a super stellar program that is happening in all south america. We had more than 20 new investigadors come and it was a special moment. I´m sure if you good america sur capilla abierta, you can find our pictures from here in Hurlingham, BA, ARG :) Try it because I can´t ha. My comp took all the pictures this night and there´s a problem with her pendrive...sad that you can´t see.
I know that the Lord blesses us with miracles. It was interesting how we were sitting in sacrament meeting and a man walks in, super confident and takes a seat. We had never seen this man before, but afterwards we were talking and he told us that he just felt like he needed to come to this church. That a long time ago two elderes gave him a passalong card, and he actually called and asked for them to sent the missionaries but now one ever showed up. Time later, he´s having a rough time, and decided to just come to church. It was super interesting. Also something interesting, his girlfriend of 4 years is from Utah. We´re excited to pass by their house this week. Marcelo coming to church was a miracle.
The young family we´re teaching, gladys and mariano are so close! They´re praying and reading the book of mormon. Mariano LOVE the capilla abierta, and was super excited to do family history work too. Mom the ward loved the book you made me. I think you´ve inspired quite a lot of people with the project. I never got to spend time in the family history booth but everyone afterwards was asking me about it. So thanks! Just praying a lot for Mariano and Glady, that they can take a leap of faith and trust more in how they feel than in everything else they´ve "heard of." When I study and teach the restoration, it just makes sense. The truth makes sense and the spirit testifies of truth. We´ve had powerful lessons with them, and it´s been a privilege to feel the spirit along with them. Lots of prayers for this family.
We continue on this week with a new president starting saturday. It will be a great experience and I know we will learn so much from President Robertson.
Sorry it´s short but at least I got to write mom and dad so that makes up for this letter not being aweomse.
I love how in the mission, there are moments of confusion and self pride, there are rough times that test our faith and we go through the refiner´s fire, become more humble, and start to see the miracles...then the puzzle starts to come together and we start to think "ooooh, so that´s what the Lord had in mind" I know that this is His work, and that there is no other work more important. I´m so thankful to be a missionary here in Hurlingham.
Love you all! How is your scripture reading? Let´s go!
Hermana Cleveland
pic...this is hermana medeyro from argentina, we´ve become best friends although we´ve never been companions...we were hoping but bueno....You´d all love her, she´s great!

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