Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Dear family,
Thanks for your letters! I thought it was funny that both mom and dad mentioned the same thing at the end of their letter...that Cami had left her backpack in dad´s car. Hopefully you weren´t too upset Cami...something random. Whenever something happens and I feel like being frustrated a little brown book comes to mind. Remember mom? You always had the¨"don´t sweat the small stuff" book in the bathroom. I have a baby testimony of not sweating the small is so much better we just take a step back, breath, and just let things go!
This Christmas was special. As a district, there are 4 sisters and 2 elders here in Junin, we decided that because no one had invited us for Christmas stuff that´d we´d go visit the member and less actives and carol. There was literally nothing more we could do. So we made Christmas cards and went caroling. What a sight we probably were. 6 bikes, helmets, all in a line. That Christmas eve we were alll over Junin, and by the end we were so tired and so hot...and SO HAPPY! I don´t anyone could have done anything to wipe our smiles off our faces. The people we visited were more surprised than anything else. It´s definitely not normal to see people caroling here in arg. Towards the end we visted President Pisoli and his family (of the rama) as well as the family cortez (a young family who has helped us a lot in the obra). They expressed their love for us. Hermana Pisoli kept hugging me until I started to cry. It was a Christmas I will never forget because for the first time in my life, Christmas was completely what it should be. The world played no part. I felt loved and happy to serve.
We saw a miracle this week! Our whole zone saw miracles this week! Woooo zona de chivilcoy norte! We started out the week praying for one of our investigadores, Olga, to be prepared and ready for her baptism this past friday. Christmas Eve, Hermana Figueroa took a hard fall and really hurt her angle. Couldn´t walk or ride bike and we weren´t sure how we were going to keep in contact with Olga. Thanks to Hermana Medeyro and Hermana Millet we had the chance to teach Olga, see her entrevista and really prepare her for her baptism on friday. Friday morning was a rollercoaster. It´s true what President told us in the Sol, don´t be surprised if there is opposition before a baptismo. We prayed so hard for the right words to say that would comfort her and in the end everything was just perfect. I learned a lot this week of the power that comes from saying a heartfelt prayer. I feel like I knew it before, and had forgotten, so the Lord reminded me again. I´m thankful for the miracle we saw this week- Olga! (Alma 37:40)

Hermana Figueroa´s leg is coming along. I think more than physically being unable to walk, it was stressful to the both of us looking at our week and all the work we had to do. She really pulled through and by friday was riding the bike although it was painful. She was a trooper and I´m so thankful for her!

I love you all! See ya!
Hna Cleveland

pics of me and hermana at the mission christmas almuerzo and Olga was baptized!

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