Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Bragado week 2!!

Dear Family,
We literally did all we could to see people in the reunion sacramental this past sunday. We were so sure ten people were going to come. Then it started to pour sunday mornign and we were like noooooo! We went out on the bikes and got soaked and in the end we saw Augustina and Angel at church. So two souls came! The rama was tiny on sunday but those who were their were strong. One hermana works all night until 7 am and road her bike in the mud and rain to come to church. An example for everyone. Another Hermana, Hermana Rizzo, who recently had brain surgery has been coming to church every sunday to take the sacrament. His story is inspiring. It´s hard for his whole family, but for all of us to see him at church shows us all that whatever our circumstances, the Lord provides a way for us to keep his commandments. For Hermana Rizzo there are no excuses. He really understands.
This week we´re working with Daniela and Hermano Oscar. They both have testimonies of the Book of Mormon and have prayed to know whether they should be baptized and both know that they should, they´re both so scared to leave family tradition. It´s frustrating. We´re doing everything we can to motivate them. Just praying for them. Yesterday with share with Daniela the story of Ester. Her bravery and willingness to do all the Lord required her to do. It was a great lesson where we were able to apply the scriptures. Praying the Lord can help them have a little more faith.
We´re excited for Agustina. The gospel will change her whole life. Before she was someone sad and friendless, but hearing that she was able to go to Mutual and makes friends at church makes me feel so good! This work is nothing without the support of the members. They play a critical part and have a huge resonsability to help these new converts feelcomfortable. It´s true, us mormons have a different language and need to be patient and just love those who are learning it all for the first time. ´The rama of Bragado does that. They make everyone feel welcomed.
Well today we were studying in Alma. About two of the greatest missionaries, Alma and Amulek. They are fearless and they trust in the spirit. They loves the people. (alma 13:17) Basically are saying ´listen to me!´ Sometime I´ve learned, is that saying it straight but with love helps our investigadores truly progress and become converted.
Well, I love you! Have a great day!
Hna Cleveland

pics. Hermana Maria! This next week is her baptism!
Ate dinner with Abel, Oscar, and Daniela. (Daniela is one of the reasons I came to bragado. She loves, but LOVES, basketball. We´re playing next pday ha. It´s really rare to find someone as into basketball as she is. Espeically out here in Bragado. We connected. :)

Our zone and Hermana Walker from Utah! Saw her! 

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